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The Golf Professional of the Year Award is awarded for overall performance as a golf professional at his/her golf facility, level of service to his/her Section and to the Association, leadership ability, image and the ability to inspire fellow professionals and promotion of the game of golf.

Year Winner Year Winner
1969 John Boda, Sr., PGA 1997 James Remy, PGA
1970 Bob Gillis, PGA 1998 James Sheerin, PGA
1971 Phil Friel, PGA 1999 Tony Morosco, PGA
1972 Les Dunn, PGA 2000 Paul J. Parajeckas, PGA
1973 John Thoren, PGA 2001 Bill Safrin, PGA
1974 Paul Harney, PGA 2002 Don Lyons, PGA
1975 Jim Browning, PGA 2003 Ken Raynor, PGA
1976 Bill Flynn, PGA 2004 Stan Baluik, PGA
1977 Bill Barclay, PGA 2005 Kirk Hanefeld, PGA
1978 Francis Doyle, PGA 2006 Jeff Hadley, PGA
1979 Jim O’Leary, PGA 2007 Rick Johnson, PGA
1980 Tony Morosco, PGA 2008 Bob Beach, PGA
1981 Paul Barkhouse, PGA 2009 Jim Noris, PGA
1982 Bill Flynn, PGA 2010 Chris Carter, PGA
1983 Ken Campbell, PGA 2011 Jim DiMarino, PGA
1984 Bob Crowley, PGA 2012 Brendan Walsh, PGA
1985 Les Bond, PGA 2013 Chris Carpenter, PGA
1986 Don Callahan, PGA 2014 Greg Yeomans, PGA
1987 Bob Tucker, PGA 2015 Allan Belden, PGA
1988 Ray Lajoie, PGA 2016 Zack Wyman, PGA
1989 Tony Loch, PGA 2017 Tony Decker, PGA
1990 Tom Tetrault, PGA 2018 Larry Kelley, PGA
1991 Al Biondi, PGA 2019 Robert Green, PGA
1992 Steve Napoli, PGA 2020 Rob Jarvis, PGA
1993 Jack Gale, PGA 2021 Josh Olney, PGA
1994 Rich Iwasko, PGA 2022 John Fields, PGA
1995 Jack Neville, PGA 2023 Jim Salinetti, PGA
1996 Allan Stewart, PGA 2024 Glenn Kelly, PGA
Year Winner Year Winner
1986 Fred Bruno, PGA 2004 Barrie Bruce, PGA
1987 Dick Hanscom, PGA 2005 Bob Beach, PGA
1988 Jay Morelli, PGA 2006 John O’Connor, PGA
1989 Joe McKinney, PGA 2007 Kelli Kostick, PGA
1990 Bob Miller, PGA 2008 Kevin Rhoads, PGA
1991 Jack Gale, PGA 2009 Danny Caverly, PGA
1992 Harvey LaMontagne, PGA 2010 Drew Kayser, PGA
1993 Salvatore Ruggiero, PGA 2011 Ron Philo, Jr, PGA
1994 Rick DePamphilis, PGA 2012 Shawn Hester, PGA
1995 Tom Cavicchi, PGA 2013 Kevin Rhoads, PGA
1996 Jane Frost, PGA 2014 Skip Guss, PGA
1997 Keith Lyford, PGA 2015 Graham Cunningham, PGA
1998 Phil Fecteau, PGA 2016 Phil Truono, PGA
1999 Joe Clark, Sr., PGA 2017 Barry Churchill, PGA
2000 Sue Kaffenburgh, PGA 2018 Eric Barlow, PGA
2001 Kelli Kostick, PGA 2019 Jennifer Hudson, PGA
2002 Shawn Hester, PGA 2020 Shawn Hester, PGA
2003 Chip Johnson, PGA 2021 Adam Kolloff, PGA
2022 Rico Riciputi, PGA
2023 Sean McTernan, PGA
2024 David Jankowski, PGA

Previously known as Junior Golf Leader Award

The Junior Golf Leader award is designed to pay recognition to a PGA golf professional who is a leader in junior golf, reflects the qualities and ideals of those who work with our nation’s youth, and provides opportunities and experiences for juniors to learn and play golf.

Year Winner Year Winner
1988 Jim Ronayne, PGA 2005 Mike Merrill, PGA
1989 Ted Murphy, PGA 2006 Bob McGraw, PGA
1990 Jack Neville, PGA 2007 Tom Green, PGA
1991 Bruce Dobie, PGA 2008 Brian Bain, PGA
1992 Paul Parajeckas, PGA 2009 Mike Foster, PGA
1993 Ron Raposa, PGA 2010 Steve Napoli, PGA
1994 Leo Reynolds, PGA 2011 Chris Carpenter, PGA
1995 Mike Robichaud, PGA and Bob Chase, PGA 2012 Donnie Lyons, PGA
1996 Bob Beach, PGA 2013 Ron Bibeau, PGA
1997 Michael Haberl, PGA 2014 Graham Cunningham, PGA
1998 Tom Tetrault, PGA 2015 Jim Salinetti, PGA
1999 Charlie Lanzetta, PGA 2016 Roman Greer, PGA
2000 Wayne T. Natti, PGA 2017 Brian Diamond, PGA
2001 Matt Moison, PGA 2018 David Donnellan, PGA
2002 Kevin Roberts, PGA 2019 Darren Falk, PGA
2003 Rick DePamphilis, PGA 2020 Kelli Kostick, PGA
2004 Michael J. Haberl, PGA 2021 Seul-Ki Hawley, PGA
2022 Matt Lombard, PGA
2023 David Moore, PGA
2024 Jim Tobin, PGA

The Bill Strausbaugh Award is designed to recognize PGA Professionals who by their day-to-day efforts have distinguished themselves by mentoring their fellow PGA Professionals in improving their employment situations as well as through service to the community.

This award is presented to those PGA members who truly reflect the characteristics and qualities that Bill Strausbaugh possessed during his lifetime. Award candidates should demonstrate a record of service to their Section or Association; leadership ability; contributions to building the image of the game of golf, the PGA Professional and the Association; involvement and significant contributions towards improving the skills of fellow PGA Professionals; involvement in civic activities within his/her community; involvement with local charitable causes; overall integrity and recognition as a person of outstanding character.

Year Winner Year Winner
1985 Les Bond, PGA 2003 Chris Carter, PGA
1986 Tom Tetrault, PGA 2004 Joel St. Laurent, PGA
1987 Jay Morelli, PGA 2005 Mike Dugas, PGA
1988 Richard Iwaszko, PGa 2006 Bob Green, PGA
1989 Tom Tetrault, PGA 2007 Mickey Herron, PGA
1990 Kurt Sokolowski, PGA 2008 Jim Tobin, PGA
1991 Kurt Sokolowski, PGA 2009 Bill Ross, PGA
1992 Kurt Sokolowski, PGA 2010 Dave Pfannenstein, PGA
1993 Jim Remy, PGA 2011 Larry Kelley, PGA
1994 Mike Egan, PGA 2012 Susan Bond, PGA
1995 Al Biondi, PGA 2013 Mark Heartfield, PGA
1996 Tom Tetrault, PGA 2014 Steve Mann, PGA
1997 Jim Sheerin, PGA 2015 Joanne Flynn, PGA
1998 Steve Napoli, PGA 2016 Brendan Walsh, PGA
1999 Jim Lane, PGA 2017 Jim DiMarino, PGA
2000 Donald E. Lyons, PGA 2018 Adam Hemeon, PGA
2001 Jim Tobin, PGA 2019 No Recipient
2002 Gary Philbrick, PGA 2020 Jim Salinetti, PGA
2021 Eric Steindel, PGA
2022 Tom Mackey, PGA
2023 Barry Westall, PGA
2024 Chris Twombly, PGA

All Class A-8 members are eligible for the Assistant Golf Professional of the Year Award based on his/her efforts as an assistant professional and involvement in Assistants’ Association, Chapter, Section and PGA of America activities.

Year Winner Year Winner
2010 Dana Smith, PGA 2016 Matt Closter,, PGA
2011 Justin Lawson, PGA 2017 Tyler Gosselin, PGA
2012 Tony Decker, PGA 2018 Brendon Ray, PGA
2013 Rob Jarvis, PGA 2019 James Chojnowski, PGA
2014 Jacob Leech, PGA 2020 Jo-Anna Krupa, PGA
2015 Mark Aldrich, PGA 2021 Ed Doherty II, PGA
2022 Kelly Hunt, PGA
2023 Dustin Ribolini, PGA
2024 Thomas Fernandes, PGA

The Merchandiser of the Year Award recognizes a PGA Professional who has demonstrated superior skills as a merchandiser in the promotion of golf. (Private, Public, & Resort Categories).

Year Winner Year Winner
1991 Andy Froude, PGA 2006 Doug VanWickler, PGA
1992 Les Bond, PGA 2007 Brendan Walsh, PGA
1993 Jim Sheerin, PGA 2008 Allan Belden, PGA
1994 Kirk Hanefeld, PGA 2009 Jeff Phillips, PGA
1995 Rick Johnson, PGA 2010 Mike Bailey, PGA
1996 Jim Lane, PGA 2011 Mark Heartfield, PGA
1997 John Scheffler, PGA 2012 Todd Cook, PGA
1998 Dick LaGrasse, PGA 2013 Barry Westall, PGA
1999 Jean Water, PGA and Tom Waters, PGA 2014 Adam Hemeon, PGA
2000 Michael E. Medeiros, PGA 2015 Mark Gammons, PGA
2001 Chris Hulme, PGA 2016 James Antonelli, PGA
2002 Mike Daron, PGA 2017 Stuart Cady, PGA
2003 Stan Baluik, PGA 2018 John Fields, PGA
2004 James DiMarino, PGA 2019 Jack & Amanda Davis, PGA
2005 Kyle Page, PGA 2020 Graham Cunningham, PGA
2021 Jim Clay, PGA
2022 Chris Twombly, PGA
2023 Bryan Kienke, PGA
2024 Rhett Bishop, PGA

The Merchandiser of the Year Award recognizes a PGA Professional who has demonstrated superior skills as a merchandiser in the promotion of golf. (Private, Public, & Resort Categories).

Year Winner Year Winner
1991 Warren Birch, PGA 2006 John Tuffin, PGA
1992 Dan Diskin, PGA 2007 Scott Hickey, PGA
1993 Bill Flynn, PGA 2008 Jim Pavlik, PGA
1994 Leigh Bader, PGA 2009 Greg Nelson, PGA
1995 Bob Carey, PGA 2010 Roger King, PGA
1996 George LaVoie, PGA 2011 Leigh Bader, PGA
1997 Bob Carey, PGA 2012 Chris Sleeper, PGA
1998 Mike Giles, PGA and Dan Diskin, PGA 2013 Lou Rivers, PGA
1999 John Del Bonis, PGA 2014 Phillip Truono, PGA
2000 Leigh Bader, PGA 2015 John Tuffin, PGA
2001 Terry O’Hara, PGA 2016 Peiter DeVos, PGA
2002 Harry Andrews, PGA 2017 Brian Bickford, PGA
2003 Bob Carey, PGA 2018 Stephen Clancy, PGA
2004 David Nyman, PGA 2019 Jesse Schechtman, PGA
2005 Bob Carey, PGA 2020 Phill Davis, PGA
2023 Nick Tedeschi, PGA
2024 Cory Mansfield, PGA


The Merchandiser of the Year Award recognizes a PGA Professional who has demonstrated superior skills as a merchandiser in the promotion of golf. (Private, Public, & Resort Categories).

Year Winner Year winner
1991 Not Given 2006 Jim Gunnare, PGA
1992 Jim Remy, PGA 2007 Scott Hoisington, PGA
1993 Dan Franzoso, PGA 2008 Gary Soule, PGA
1994 Not Given 2009 Michael Medeiros, PGA
1995 Jim Gunnare, PGA 2010 Michael Santa Maria, PGA
1996 Dan Franzoso, PGA 2011 Brendan Reilly, PGA
1997 Robert O’Brien, PGA 2012 Ron Philo, Jr, PGA
1998 Bill Hamblen, PGA 2013 Peter Doherty, PGA
1999 Jim Gunnare, PGA 2014 Gordon Swennes, PGA
2000 Thomas P. Ahern, PGA 2015 R.J. Austin, PGA
2001 Chris Christie, PGA 2016 Gary Soule, PGA
2002 Jim Remy, PGA 2017 Drew Anderson, PGA
2003 Scott Hoisington, PGA 2018 Matt Closter, PGA
2004 Chris Christie, PGA 2019 Not Given
2005 Dave Pfannenstein, PGA 2020 Gordon Swennes, PGA
2023 Vince Runyon, PGA
2024 John King, PGA

Previously known as President’s Plaque

The Player Development Award is designed to recognize a PGA Professional for extraordinary and exemplary contributions and achievements in the area of player development. This award considers the PGA Professional’s growth of the game leadership commitment at the Section and National levels and the impact made at the facility.

Year Winner Year Winner
2006 Brian Bain, PGA 2014 David Donnellan, PGA
2007 Bob Beach, PGA 2015 Brian Bickford, PGA
2008 Susan Bond, PGA 2016 Rick Johnson, PGA
2009 Brian Bain, PGA 2017 Todd Cook, PGA
2010 Brian Bain, PGA 2018 Peter Doherty, PGA
2011 Barrie Bruce, PGA 2019 Sean McTernan, PGA
2012 Matt Griffith, PGA 2020 Paul Coutoumas, PGA
2013 Zack Wyman, PGA 2021 Eric Barlow, PGA
2022 Eric McInerney, PGA
2023 Kelli Kostick, PGA
2024 Darren Falk, PGA

The Patriot Award is presented to a PGA Professional who personifies patriotism through the game of golf and demonstrates unwavering commitment and dedication to the men and women who have valiantly served and protected the United States of America.

Year Winner Year Winner
2012 Bob Beach, PGA 2017 Kim O’Neil, PGA
2013 Bob Beach, PGA 2018 Vinnie DelZoppo, PGA
2014 Susan Bond, PGA 2019 Alex Kirk, PGA
2015 Bob, Giusti, PGA 2020 Josh Olney, PGA
2016 Jim Tobin, PGA 2021 Peter Doherty, PGA
2022 Bob Mantz, PGA
2023 Abby Spector, PGA
2024 Matt Moison, PGA


2021 Brian Bickford, PGA
2022 John Goodchild, PGA


NEW FOR 2021: The “PGA Golf Executive of the Year Award” bestows special recognition on a PGA Golf Professional who has performed outstanding services for a multiple facility/course management/ownership operation, Allied Association or golf industry executive management position. As one of the highest honors the PGA can bestow, candidates must possess outstanding qualities of leadership, vision, courage, strong moral character, and a substantial record of service to the Association and the game of golf. Individuals honored with the PGA Golf
Executive of the Year award will be held as a model PGA Golf Professional.

REQUIREMENTS, ELIGIBILITY & CRITERIA: Candidate must be a PGA member in good standing, well regarded as a model PGA member and demonstrate outstanding leadership and strong moral character. Candidate must have been a Class A PGA member in good standing for a minimum total of 10 years; Candidate has developed the image reputation, and ability to inspire fellow PGA members as a PGA Professional; Must have served in an executive management position for at least three years; Candidate must have maintained a substantial record of service to the Association and game of Golf, as well as helping to further educate and train their fellow PGA professionals; Candidate must have maintained a substantial record of leadership, service and promotion toward the game of Golf.

This award bestows special recognition on a PGA Professional for outstanding service and contributions to developing and improving educational opportunities for fellow PGA Professionals.

1976 Ken Campbell, PGA
1977 Jim O’Leary, PGA
1982 Les Bond, PGA
1984 Kurt Sokolowski, PGA
1985 Tom Tetrault, PGA
1986 Steve Sewell, PGA
1987 Al Biondi
1988 Charles Lanzetta
1989 Steve Sewell, PGA
1990 Steve Sewell, PGA
1991 Don Lyons, PGA
1992 Don Lyons, PGA
1993 Don Lyons, PGA
1994 Mark Larrabee, PGA
1995 Don Lyons, PGA
1996 William Safrin, PGA
1997 Dave Pfannenstein, PGA
1998 William Safrin, PGA
1999 Francis Leary, PGA
2000 William Safrin, PGA
2001 Jim Noris, PGA
2002 Kevin Walker, PGA
2003 Tony Decker, PGA
2004 Francis P. Leary, PGA
2005 Larry Kelly, PGA
2006 Tom Cavicchi, PGA
2007 Tom Cavicchi, PGA
2008 Tony Decker, PGA
2009 Bob Beach, PGA
2010 Susan Bond, PGA
2011 Bob Beach, PGA
2012 Bob Beach, PGA
2013 Tom Moffat, PGA
2014 Brendan Walsh, PGA
2015 Rob Jarvis, PGA
2016 Mike Bradshaw, PGA
2017 Mike Bradshaw, PGA
2018 Graham Cunningham, PGA
2019 Justin Lawson, PGA
2021 Michael Sullivan, PGA
2022 Jo-Anna Krupa, PGA
2023 Steve Sheridan, PGA

The Deacon Palmer Award bestows special recognition on a PGA Golf Professional who personally displays outstanding integrity, character and leadership, in the effort to overcome a major obstacle in their life.  This individual is an unsung hero/heroine at their facility and in their community, who serve to inspire, empower and assist others, both inside and outside of the game.

Year Winner Year Winner
2015 Ray Lajoie, PGA 2018 Jay Askew, PGA
2016 William J. Flynn, PGA (posthumously) 2019 John Paesani, PGA
2017 Mark Heartfield, PGA 2020 Harry Rose, PGA
2021 Peter Norton, PGA
2022 Matt Hibbert, PGA
2024 Tony DiGiorgio, PGA


The George S. Wemyss Award is presented each year to an individual who has consistently been a friend to the NEPGA and/or its members over the years, and made a significant contribution to the game of golf. The individual should consistently demonstrate a high moral character, and has performed a distinctive service to the NEPGA to meet its goals or enhance its image.

The George S. Wemyss Award was originally called the “Man of the Year Award” and was first presented in 1977 to Cuz Mingolla.  In 1978 Dick Tarlow was the recipient followed by Gael Coakley in 1978 and Joe Lazaro in 1980.

The “Man of the Year Award” became the “Golden Golf Award” when the Committee decided to give this prestigious award to Pat Bradley in 1981 and realized that a name change was in order.  In 1982 Manny Francis was the recipient followed in 1983 by George S. Wemyss.  This award was not given in 1984, 1987, 1988, and 1989.  Geoge W. Page was the recipient in 1985 and George S. Wemyss, again in 1986.

Year Winner Year Winner
1990 George S. Wemyss 2005 Harry McCracken
1991 Not Given 2006 Dan Hurley
1992 Not Given 2007 Robert T. Lynch
1993 Edith Wemyss 2008 Dennis Drinkwater
1994 Phil Friel 2009 The Farina Family
1995 Al Glenn 2010 Robert Donovan
1996 Susan Hudson 2011 Wally Uihlein
1997 Richard Haskell 2012 Terry Frechette
1998 Robert Frem 2013 Joan Stuart
1999 Edward J. Mingolla 2014 Not Given
2000 Thomas O. Murphy 2015 Not Given
2001 Walter Lankau 2016 Gary Larrabee
2002 Not Given 2017 Eddie Carbone
2003 Bill Flynn 2018 Not Given
2004 George Lyons 2019 Cliff Thompson
2021 Bob Ward
2023 Matt McDonald
2024 John Lawrence

Eugene Wogan began his distinguished golf career when he began caddying at Oakley Country Club in Watertown, Massachusetts at the age of twelve. The eminent Donald Ross was the Head Professional at Oakley and he picked “Skip” as he liked to call him as his personal caddie and later as his assistant golf professional. When in 1910, Donald Ross took the Head Professional job at Essex County Club in Manchester, Massachusetts, he took young Wogan with him. After three years, Ross left Essex to serve at Pinehurst, recommending Skip Wogan as his replacement. Wogan remained as Head Professional and greens keeper at Essex until his death in 1957. As a protégé of Ross, Skip became active in course design and in expanding the concept of the Essex style four ball. Some of Wogan’s courses during this period were Blue Hills in Canton, MA; Bellevue in Melrose, MA; Sankaty Head on Nantucket Island in MA; and Webhannet and a nine-hole course for an Essex member appropriately named “Labor in Vain.” Skip also became a renowned maker of scoreboards locally, then gained national attention for his board designs. He was a guru of the Rules of Golf and could quote them verbatim when necessary. Skip Wogan was one of the founders of the PGA of America as the Current New England PGA and was the Section’s first President. Skip was also active on national PGA’s Board of Directors. In recognition of his tireless work on behalf of the Association, the NEPGA named its Player of the Year Award after him. Essex County Club has also named their premier trophy the Skip Wogan Trophy, in recognition of his outstanding service to their members. In 1957, after forty-seven years at Essex, Skip Wogan passed away.

Year Winner Year Winner
1953 Phil Friel 1987 Dana Quigley
1954 John Thoren 1988 Jeff Bailey
1955 John Thoren 1989 Paul Parajeckas
1956 Jim Browning 1990 Mike San Filippo
1957 Bob Crowley 1991 Dana Quigley
1958 Bill Ezinicki 1992 Bob Lendzion
1959 Bob Crowley 1993 Dana Quigley
1960 Bill Ezinicki 1994 Dana Quigley
1961 Bob Crowley 1995 John Hickson
1962 Bob Crowley 1996 Dana Quigley
1963 Bob Crowley 1997 Paul Parajeckas
1964 Bill Ezinicki 1998 John Hickson
1965 Jim Browning 1999 Mike San Filippo
1966 Ross Coon 2000 Kirk Hanefeld
1967 Jim Browning 2001 Mike Baker
1968 Ross Coon 2002 Kirk Hanefeld
1969 Paul Barkhouse 2003 Ron Philo Jr.
1970 Charley Volpone 2004 Ron Philo Jr.
1971 Charley Volpone 2005 Ron Philo Jr.
1972 Charley Volpone 2006 Frank Dully II
1973 Charley Volpone 2007 John Hickson
1974 Charley Volpone 2008 Jeffrey Martin
1975 Tom McGuirk 2009 Jeffrey Martin
1976 Charley Volpone 2010 Jeffrey Martin
1977 Paul Barkhouse 2011 John Hickson
1978 Joe Carr 2012 Ed Kirby
1979 Jay Dolan 2013 Shawn Warren
1980 Paul Moran 2014 Shawn Warren
1981 Jeff Bailey 2015 Shawn Warren
1982 Rick Karbowski 2016 Rich Berberian, Jr.
1983 Jeff Bailey 2017 Rich Berberian, Jr.
1983 Jeff Bailey 2018 Shawn Warren
1985 Dana Quigley 2019 Rich Berberian, Jr.
1986 Dana Quigley 2020 Liam Friedman
2021 Rich Berberian, Jr.
2022 Shawn Warren
2023 Rich Berberian Jr.
2024 Shawn Warren

The Sales Representative of the Year is an award given to the salesperson who has achieved outstanding performance and success in their sales role over a given period of time. This award recognizes the individual who has demonstrated exceptional sales skills, exceeded sales targets, and consistently provided excellent customer service. The Sales Representative of the Year award highlights the individual’s commitment, dedication, and contribution to the company’s overall sales success.

Year Winner
2024 Jeff DiBona
Year Member Year Member
1978 Al Raymond and Ed Sakovitz 2000 Wally Uihlein
1979 Dr. Gary Wiren 2005 Eddie Carbone and Susan Hudson
1983 George S. Wemyss 2008 Terry Frechette
1989 Frank Tobin 2009 Mike Gibson
1991 Al Glenn 2011 Joan Stuart
1993 Tom Murphy 2019 Michael Higgins
1994 John Miller